450 Pupils
25+ Staff
3 Centres
5 Hifdh Classes
GCSE Tuition
450 Pupils 25+ Staff 3 Centres 5 Hifdh Classes GCSE Tuition
Central Masjid Rochdale’ Maktab (AKA CMR Maktab) has grown into a huge family of highly experienced Mu’allimīn, enthusiastic parents and keen children. The Maktab initiative, originally referred to as Katā’ib has proven to be the lifeline of our community, particularly for our youth.
Alhamdulillāh, working across all levels, we endeavour to reinstate the spirit of إقرا and pave the way for a progressing and successful Ummah by means of educating and guiding each generation to come.
Maktab Classes
Introducing the fundamentals of Islam. Coupled with Tarbiyah initiatives, children will learn:
How to recite the Qur’ān with Tajwīd
Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
‘Aqīdah (Belief System)
Sīrah (The life of Nabī Muḥammed ﷺ)
Tārīkh (Islamic History)
The memorisation of oft-recited Suwar
The memorisation of Masnūn Ad’iyah
Monday to Friday Compulsory
Two Sessions
16:20 to 17:50
18:00 to 19:30
Holidays mostly inline with school terms
Fee of £ 300.00 Per Annum
Payable £ 25.00 Per Month
Separate locations for Boys & Girls
Advanced Classes
Introducing an advanced class for pupils in Year 10 and above. Coupled with Tarbiyah initiatives and GCSE Tuition, pupils will learn:
How to recite the Qur’ān with Tajwīd
‘Aqīdah (Belief System)
Sīrah (The life of Nabī Muḥammed ﷺ)
Tafsīr (Exegesis)
Basic Arabic
The memorisation of oft-recited Suwar
The memorisation of Masnūn Ad’iyah
GCSE Tuition prior to the examination period
Advanced One
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Advanced Two
Monday & Tuesday
18:00 to 19:30
Holidays mostly inline with school terms, calendar differs to the Maktab calendar.
Fee of £ 240.00 Per Annum
Payable £ 20.00 Per Month
Separate locations for Boys & Girls
Hifdh Classes
Introducing Hifdh class for boys & girls. Coupled with Tarbiyah initiatives, pupils will learn:
How to recite the Qur’ān with Tajwīd
Memorisation of the entire Qur’ān
‘Aqīdah (Belief System)
Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
The memorisation of Masnūn Ad’iyah
Monday to Saturday Compulsory
16:30 to 19:30
Calendar differs.
Fee of £ 360.00 Per Annum
Payable £ 30.00 Per Month
Separate locations for Boys & Girls
The Maktab has one admission day every year in June. This provides all parents with an equal opportunity due to our limited space. We advise that you contact the Maktab office in May so that we may guide you further.
What do parents say?
+44 7776 662075
09 Merefield Street, Rochdale, OL11 3RZ
Monday to Friday 16:30 - 19:15